Dirty Jokes

don_rickles_01Where he falls in love with a beautiful woman while discussing Don Rickles. Weeks later she says his name to stop him from talking.

- Marlon Brando.
- She didn’t know who Marlon Brando is?
- No. How do you explain Marlon Brando? It’s like, I don’t know, explaining Moses. Parted the red sea, freed his people from bondage, that kind of thing.
- She didn’t know Marlon Brando? And she’s how old?
- 26. Besides that, I made her watch her George Carlin. One of the old HBO shows. Carlin at Carnegie Hall.
- And?
- And she hated it. Thought he was too vulgar.
- She said vulgar?
- Yeah. This girl who has done things I don’t even like to read about says Carlin is too vulgar. Vulgar and angry. She thought he could use some counseling.
- So Miss 12 Step thinks Carlin could use some counseling. What did you say?
- I said he was dead. She didn’t like that either. Truth is if we could drink, maybe we’d get along but being sober with her, its, well I can see why she drank so much.
- You didn’t say that to her did you?
- No. Then I told her the one about the gorilla behind the bar.
- The one where the guy is tending bar and the gorilla …
- Yeah. And the guy says after you hit me with the bat …
- I love that one.
- Me too. She thought it exploited the gorilla. I said it exploited the comedian.
- She has a master’s degree in English right?
- She’s talking about getting her phd. I said I guess when you were cutting class you were really cutting class.
- Laughs?
- It’s over. It wasn’t healthy for either of us.
- I though you said she was special.
- She is special. But she can’t take a fucking joke.

Posted on
March 13th, 2012


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