The Longwalls’ Zombies! kicks off PopMatters Mixtape
Nom Nom Nom….PopMatters Mixtape #4 is all about zombies, so who better to kick if off than your Longwalls?!?! It’s a great mix, and they even embedded our video. Check it out!!
Nom Nom Nom….PopMatters Mixtape #4 is all about zombies, so who better to kick if off than your Longwalls?!?! It’s a great mix, and they even embedded our video. Check it out!!
A great recap of the The Longwalls Zombies! video shoot from Director Louie Jannetty on his blog.
A nice blog post on The Longwalls’ weekend video shoot for Zombies down at Plymouth Rock Studios here. Thanks!
Another article on The Longwalls’ Zombies! video shoot, and what a fully-functioning Plymouth Rock Studios could mean to their community.
The Longwalls‘ Zombies! video premiere with the Plymouth Rock Studios gang is set for Friday, October 30! Details so far: Renting a theatre, showing a bunch of zombie shorts, then the video launch, then chats with video Director & Producer, then Zombieland feature film (!). Plus “new toy” donations to benefit Franciscan Hospital for Children. Will have some food too. Huzzah!
A nice blog post on The Longwalls’ weekend video shoot for Zombies down at Plymouth Rock Studios here. Thanks guys!
Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who took part in the The Longwalls’ Zombies! shoot this weekend down at Plymouth Rock Studios. The crew (Louie Jannetty Director,Josh Bethoney Producer, and Sean English, Dir. of Photography) were brilliant and amazing (and patient) and all the extras who worked hours on in end, in makeup, in the rain.. well, we’re incredibly thankful.. and we can’t wait to see you all again soon! (Oh, and check out the New Kids.)
The Longwalls video shoot for Zombies starts next Friday night! We’ll be shooting Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning. Gonna be a long weekend but we’re pretty excited about it. In preperation for the video, we’ve just souped up the Zombie track with some new guitar work and some Hammond organ. Very cool. Otherwise we officially begin work on the new EP on October 16. Gonna be a busy fall. More soon…