“The pure sound of these songs provide such visceral pleasure.” Some very kind words indeed on The Longwalls’ Careers in Science from the Boston Globe! Meanwhile, Oh So Fresh! Music thinks the album is a bit like “modern Springsteen, but with an indie touch.” We’ll take it!!
Our pal Kyle over at Music Savage calls Kurt von Stetten’s Pyramid “a fantastic example of an amazing, talented guy who seems to have no limits to what he can do”. Kyle is a whole lot smarter than us, so it must be true. (Thanks Kyle!)
People are discovering what we’ve known all along—our own Kurt von Stetten has made a hella great new album. Check out what these fine folks have to say about Pyramid: RidetheTempo | Oh So Fresh! | Perfect Porridge.
The reviews are in for Pyramid! Well, the first one anyway. Our pal over at Dysonsound has given Pyramid one hell of a nice writeup. He knows way more about music than we do, so we’ll all take him at his word, ok?!?
Boston’s own The Noise can’t recommend The Longwalls more highly, and says Dark Academy has “all the earmarks of future classic and gets better with every listen.” Gee, that’s really nice of them. Read it all here (scroll down a bit).
The fine folks at Twangville have posted a nice review of The Longwalls Dark Academy EP. They think we do a little Jayhawks and mix in a little Shins. But I swear, there ain’t no wah-wah anywhere. Haven’t used a Wah peddle since ‘ought one or so. Anyway, read it here. And if you want to buy it, which you certainly should, it’s not available just yet. Still waiting on the vinyl. Stay tuned!!!!