Early reviews are in, and The Longwalls‘ latest effort Kowloon seems to be hitting a chord. Our Music Savage writes, “Sonically, it is a sharp sound that sounds like a great direction for the band.” And the fine folks over at Mojophenia write, “The Longwalls capture the sound of a dusty repetitious highway and the lonely poetic spirit of adventure.” Kind words indeed. Thanks friends! Kowloon is on sale 12/4.
Somehow we missed these: Boston’s own The Noise recently ran a glowing review of Kurt von Stetten’s Cyclops calling it an “aural feast not to be overlooked.” Damn. And the Elusive Little Comments blog can’t wait to hear more. Neither can we. Thankfully a new album is already in the works. That’s how he roll. Follow along on his blog. Enjoy!
“Sun soaked guitar spiel with Alt-Pop immediacy. File under Ray Davies or Tom Petty.” That’s what Mojophenia has to say about Dan London’s Happy to See Me. And our friends over at Americana Roots were kind enough to include two tracks on their Americana Rock Mix #132. Good stuff all around.
Kurt von Stetten’sCyclops has made into a couple of stellar “best of” lists for 2011. Ryan’s Smashing Life included both Cyclops and Pyramid on his list and called Kurt a “gifted creator” and a “prolific genius” and Music Savage says “The album deepens with each listen, and I’ve very much enjoyed hearing it again and again.” We certainly agree. Thanks guys!
The fine folks over at Culture Bomb have some very nice things to say about The Longwalls’ Careers in Science Album! Lines like “clash-like rhythms mixed with an Elvis Costello, jangling guitar” make us positively giddy. And we like gumbo. And, we like that we left them wanting more…
Matt at Beat The Indie Drum has called The Longwalls’ Careers in Science a “start-to-finish power-pop gem.” He’s really smart, so you should listen to what he has to say! Thanks Matt!
Wow! Some very kind words from The Noise on The Longwalls new album Careers in Science. (Although, we think the CriticTron 3000 needs an upgrade…). Check it out! (scroll..)