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5 lessons brands can learn from bands

Metal Hand Sign

[Originally posted at ‘Round the Square] I operate in two worlds. By day (and often into early evening) I craft brand-focused communication programs for a variety of mission-driven organizations. By night (and often into early morning) I write, perform and record with a band as part of Boston’s vibrant independent …

Is “pop” our most subversive musical form?


Steve Lawson, over at his (excellent) blog, recently wrote a piece called “What Is Pop And Is It Dead?” In it, he talks about Pop’s transition from “that which is popular” to an actual musical style. It’s an interesting piece, and as is often the case, the real action is in …

3 words for indie artists


[Orginally posted at Dysonsound] For the past few years new media guru Chris Brogan has practiced the “My 3 Words” exercise to guide how he conducts his many efforts in the coming year. The idea is to chose 3 resonant words around which you set goals and develop projects. Given …

A (big) return to (micro) patronage?


[Originally posted at Dysonsound] I’ve been MIA for a while. Getting a new EP recorded, CDs and vinyl pressed (one-sided white vinyl!), gigs and radio appearances booked, promo packages together– it’s a ton of work as you all know. But I think I’m coming out of the woods a bit …

Making sense of it all


[Originally posted at Dysonsound] It’s been a hectic fall. I attended my first Musicians for Music 2.0 meet-up, found my way to Music Hack Day Boston, tapped into some super smart brains on Twitter, started writing about what I was seeing and hearing, and read seemingly a dozen articles a …

Regional hits sound so fine


[Originally posted at Dysonsound] They sure do Mr. Gent. In fact, most of my favorite music is in some way “local.” From post-punk to punk-punk, new folk to new country, I by and large listen to music made by people that I in some way know– or that at least …

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